Hello everyone! We have had a few people suggest we create some sort of website to keep people updated on how Jack is doing. In the whirlwind of the past few days, I have struggled to find time (let alone remember) to keep everyone in the loop, so this should make it a bit easier. Please pass this URL on to anyone who may not know about it and wants info on Jack's progress. I will try to update this site as often as possible, or as anything changes. Thank you for your support!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 104

It's been quite awhile since our last post, and although many of you have heard the good news, we thought we'd share here just in case. Jack's blood numbers have been holding steady for awhile (low, but not alarming) so they did all of his day 100 tests early. His lung function tests came back great and his bone marrow biopsy came back completely cancer free- and 100% female! That means his donor's cells have made themselves at home. Jack also got his Hickman catheter out last week, and it left quite the hole in his chest. It's still healing, but it looks better each day.


To celebrate Jack's day 100, and to thank all of the volunteers who helped at the Be The Match registration drive, we went to a Diamondbacks game on the 25th. Even though the D-backs lost, it was still a lot of fun. 

The next few months will still be filled with doctors visits and medications, but those will slow down even more as we move on. His hair is starting to come back, and he is feeling much better. He even has a softball game scheduled for next week!
Things are starting to settle down quite a bit, so there won't be as many blog posts in the future, but we will update if anything changes or as we pass milestones along the way. Thank you again for all of the ways you have supported us for the past 6 months. We are truly blessed to have such a large support system around us. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Jack played softball last Tuesday (9-4) and this Tuesday (9-11). He had a blast and it was SO NICE to him out there running around again on the field!! We tied the first game and won the second the first week and blew out the young bucks in the double header this week!!! Taking him to my golf league on Saturday as well - YAHOOOO!!!! So nice to see the strides he has made and amount of POSITIVE energy he has put into this entire nightmare.

    He is probably operating at about 80% right now, but that's still better than my 100% and very remarkable considering what the last 6 months have been like. I've said before and I'll continue to say it - this young man is MY HERO!!

