Hello everyone! We have had a few people suggest we create some sort of website to keep people updated on how Jack is doing. In the whirlwind of the past few days, I have struggled to find time (let alone remember) to keep everyone in the loop, so this should make it a bit easier. Please pass this URL on to anyone who may not know about it and wants info on Jack's progress. I will try to update this site as often as possible, or as anything changes. Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Round 2

Jack's second bone marrow results came back, and there were still some cancer cells in his bone marrow. The doctors have decided to do an additional round of chemo, this time only lasting five days for four hours each day. He will be getting a couple of new types of chemotherapy and will have another bone marrow biopsy in two weeks to determine how many cancer cells are left after the second round of chemo.

Jack also started to lose his hair, so he decided to shave his head. I'll upload pictures on the next blog post, but for now you'll have to take my word that he looks handsome as ever! One of his nurses even asked if he always wears his hair that short because it looks so good on him.

We heard some good news on the stem cell transplant front. The hospital's transplant coordinator searched through the national donor registry and her search returned a page and a half of potential matches for Jack. She picked the top six, and each of those six have a 99% chance of being a 10 out of 10 match. They're all in their 20's too so they've only been on the registry for a short period of time (you must be 18 to register at bethematch.org). This means they probably haven't had time to move or have any life events occur that would cause them to be unable/unwilling to donate. We were extremely excited to hear this news! We still plan to host a bone marrow/stem cell donor registration drive in AZ though.

We will keep you updated as we learn more. Thanks again for all the warm wishes and words of encouragement!


  1. Such great news on the registry Emily. I did register this weekend,even if I am a bit on the old side.

  2. Hi Guys,

    I think of you both often and pray that this trial will be over soon. I'm sure you do look adorable Jack! I'm excited to see the pictures. Keep up the positive attitude!
